Dr. Charlene Chu, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Dr. Chu’s primary area of research is in designing interventions that support the mobility and daily function of older adults in post-acute care settings such as long-term care, rehabilitation centres, as well as in the community. Charlene is inaugural winner of a New Frontiers Research Award to design and pilot test and exergaming system for older adults living in long-term care. She also holds funding from Women’s College Hospital, and the Center of Aging and Brian Health to co-design new technologies for older adults.
Dr. David Burnes, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
Dr. David Burnes’ program of research focuses on understanding and preventing elder abuse through developing the basic science of prevalence and risk factors, developing and evaluating interventions, and developing outcome measures. David led a World Health Organization (WHO) study on ageism, and the findings were featured in the New York Times, as well as in US News, showing that “ageism disappears with young and old spend time together.”
Dr. Nadia Caidi, Faculty of Information
Dr. Nadia Caidi’s research examines the role of information resources and technologies in the context of global migration. Specifically, Nadia looks at how migrant and refugee communities’ information environments are negotiated and understood and how they come to embody new kinds of knowledge. Recent research is examining older adults who migrate to reunite with their family, and how they remain connected to the here and the there, and the role of mobile media in the process.
Dr. Caidi also researches the expressions of spiritual and religious. She has received the 2018 Outstanding Paper Award for her publication on “Holy Selfies: Pilgrimage in the Age of Social Media”. In addition, Nadia was awarded the 2019 ALISE/Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award from the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), for her past use of evolving technology to provide new learning opportunities and promote diversity and inclusion, such as the On-Demand Book Service for First Nations Communities in Northern Ontario, or the examination of what makes the Francophone community in Ontario vibrant and innovative.