Power Of Attorney And Capacity And Consent: What Every Practitioner Needs To Know

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When: Monday, Apr 7 – Sunday, May 4, 2025 (4 weeks) ONLINE weekly at your discretion
Cost:    $240 (Students $120)
This workshop will be offered only be if there is sufficient enrolment.
Sufficient Enrolment Deadline: Mon, Mar 31, 2025

A series focused on the needs of PSWs, health care providers, family caregivers and those supporting older adults, taught in pragmatic terms with case based scenarios. Please note that some of the legal information covered in this workshop is most relevant to Ontario residents.

Week 1:

  • starting the conversation, the basics of capacity and consent
  • what are these legal tools and tests
  • understanding capacity and vulnerability
  • how to integrate that understanding into practice with case studies

Week 2:

  • assisting your patients or loved ones
  • who gets to decide health care
  • capacity assessments, substitute decision makers, powers of attorney, guardians
  • myths and milestones of advance care planning

Week 3:

  • how to deal with practical solutions to privacy law, elder abuse and reporting issues

Week 4:

  • tools and resources to enhance practice, case studies to illustrate their use

Laura Tamblyn Watts, LLB, SJD (in progress)

Laura Tamblyn Watts is a lawyer, advocate and researcher having been called to the BC Bar in 1999.  Her work focuses on law, aging, accessibility, law reform, governance and knowledge mobilization. In 2018 she joined CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons) as its Chief Public Policy Officer.  She is a Senior Fellow at the Canadian Centre for Elder Law and, before recently moving to Toronto, its long-time National Director.   She is the past chair of the Canadian Bar Association National Elder Law section, a founding member of the NICE network where she currently facilitates the law and aging theme team, an editor of a number of peer reviewed journals including the Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect and a co-facilitator of the World Study Group on Elder Law.  Laura is a law reformer, author, educator, expert witness and media consultant on issues related to elder law. She was named the 2012 Distinguished Fellow in Elder Law at Stetson University Centre of Excellence in Elder Law. Laura is currently pursuing her doctorate and teaching at the University of Toronto on law and aging issues and is currently a course instructor in the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. 


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