Institute Welcomes Leroy Stone, Senior Scholar in Residence

The Institute for Life Course & Aging is pleased to welcome Leroy Stone as our first Senior Scholar in Residence!

Prof. Stone is a former Associate Director General, Analytical Studies Branch, Statistics Canada as well as retired Associate Professor at the Université de Montréal. He brings many decades of expertise in the demographic transitions of older Canadians. His books and reports have been instrumental in shaping our Canadian knowledge base on older adults.

Click on image to see to Prof. Stone’s list of publications with details


Current projects

  • Several social issues related to the transition of education to the labor market among young adults have created a social policy issue in various countries. This project analyzes the employment patterns of young people in the years since the financial crisis. We discuss variations among various countries, and also the differences between Quebec and Canada. In studying these differences, we focus on variations among key segments of the population, such as immigrants and certain levels of education.
  • The impact of the financial crisis on the employment paths of older people is the concern of another project. The crisis has resulted in a rather long-term financial repression regime, causing great difficulties for a significant proportion of this segment of the population in terms of income level based on the financial capital. This project analyzes the variations among certain key segments of the population in terms of the level of this economic pressure, and the sophistication of their relevant risk management.
  • This project focuses on some aspects of the consequences of a huge population growth that has a big drop in their cognitive or functional abilities. Canada will have this growth when a large proportion of baby boomers reach age 80 or older. The analysis is driven by the question of whether Canada will find a level of labor supply needed to deliver services for this population segment. This labor supply will be produced by a human resources network that will encompass both paid work and unpaid work. The project aims to estimate the relative size of the human resources network at age 65 or over, as well as its composition and geographical distribution.


Main Publications

Leroy O. Stone, “Demography of Aging”, in Capezuti, E. and. al., The Encyclopedia of Elder Care, Third Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2014.

Leroy O. Stone, “Distinctive Population Segments in Multi-Risk Risk Management,” Chapter 6 in Leroy O. Stone (Ed.), Key Demographics in Retirement Risk Management. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012.

Leroy O. Stone and Gerard Rainville, “The Fall in Confidence Among the Pre-Retired”, Chapter 4 in Leroy O. Stone (Ed.), Key Demographics in Retirement Risk Management. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012.

Leroy O. Stone, “Working Past Age 65 Will Soon Get More Respect in Canada” in Ruth Hubbard (Ed.) Festschrift for Gilles Paquet. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2009

Leroy O. Stone, “Determinants of Paths of Transition to Total-Work Retirement, A preliminary Empirical Analysis”. in Jacques Véron et al. (Eds.) Ages, Generations and the Social Contract: The Demographic Challenges Facing the Welfare State. Published by Springer. 2007.

Leroy O. Stone and Nathalie Deschênes. “The Probability of Reaching Retirement – a Longitudinal Analysis of Variations Between Women and Men”, Chapter 13 in Leroy O. Stone (Ed.), New Frontiers of Research on Retirement, Volume 1. Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 2006. (Statistics Canada Cat 75-511-XPE)

Leroy O. Stone and Hasheem Nouroz “The Distinctive Patterns of Work-To-Retirement Transition Among the Self-Employed”, Chapter 15 in Leroy O. Stone (Ed.), New Frontiers of Research on Retirement, Volume 1. Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 2006. (Statistics Canada Cat 75-511-XPE)

Leroy O. Stone, “Patterns of Work-To-Retirement Transition Among Canadian Public -Sector Employees”, Chapter 16 in Leroy O. Stone (Ed.), New Frontiers of Research on Retirement, Volume 1. Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 2006. (Statistics Canada Catalog 75-511-XPE)

Leroy O. Stone, Hasheem Nouroz, Alexandre Genest and Nathalie Deschênes, “A New Perspective on Retirement Processes: Trajectories of Transitions from Work to Retirement”, Appendix A in Leroy O. Stone and Hasheem Nouroz (Eds.), New Frontiers of Research on Retirement, Technical Annex. Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 2006. (Statistics Canada Cat 75-512-XPE).

Leroy O. Stone and Hasheem Nouroz, “Multivariate Modeling of Properties of Trajectories of Transition to Retirement”, Appendix C in Leroy O. Stone and Hasheem Nouroz (Eds.), New Frontiers of Research on Retirement, Technical Annex. Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 2006. (Statistics Canada Cat 75-512-XPE).

Leroy O. Stone, (Ed.). Cohort Flow and the Implications of Population Aging: Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 1999 (English version: Leroy O. Stone, Ed.) Cohort Flows and the Consequences of Population Aging: Ottawa, Minister of Industry, 1999 ).

Leroy O. Stone, Causes of Population Aging, United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe, Changing Population Age Structures. Geneva: United Nations, 1992, pp. 43-51.

Leroy O. Stone, Social Consequences of Population Aging: The Human Support Systems Dimension, in International Union for the Population Study of Population, International Population Conference Montreal 1993, vol. 3. Liège, Belgium: IUSSP, 1993, pp. 25-34.

Leroy O. Stone and Susan Fletcher. Cohort Trails: A New View of Aging Population in Canada, in Betty Havens and Elizabeth McEwen (Eds.). North American Elders: a Comparative View. New Haven: Greenwood Press, 1987.

Leroy O. Stone, Occupational Composition of Canadian Migration. A 1971 Census Analytical Study. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services. 1979.

Leroy O. Stone, The Geographic Mobility of Canadians. A 1971 Census Analytical Study. Ottawa: Department of Supply and Services, 1978.

Leroy O. Stone, Mathematical Analysis of Mobility Matrices, W. Peter Adams and FM Helleiner (Eds), International Geography 1972, (Papers for the 22nd International Geographical Congress). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972, pp. 935-937.

Leroy O. Stone, Migration in Canada: Some Regional Aspects. Ottawa: Queen ‘s Printer, 1969.

Leroy O. Stone, Evaluating the Relative Accuracy and Significance of Net Migration Estimates, Demography, 4 (1967), pp. 310-330.

Leroy O. Stone, Population Redistribution and Economic Development in Puerto Rico, 1950-1960, Social and Economic Studies, 14 (September 1965), pp. 264-272.

Leroy O. Stone, Net Migration and the Sex-Age Composition of Puerto Rico 1950-1960, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 2 (May 1965), pp. 108-116.

Leroy O. Stone, External Migration and the Age Structure of Canadian Population, 1851-1961, in IUSSP, Contributed Papers, Sydney Conference, August 1967, pp. 775-785.

Leroy O. Stone, Stable Migration Rates from the Multiregional Growth Matrix Operators, Demography, 5 (1968), pp. 439-442.