Registration is now closed. Please note that we are unable to accommodate late registrations past March 7 for this workshop. We apologize for the inconvenience!
When: Mon Mar 11 – Sun Apr 7, 2024 (4 weeks) ONLINE weekly at your discretion
Cost: $240 (Students $120) Registration Deadline: Monday, Mar 4, 2024
This workshop will be offered only if there is sufficient enrolment. Registration and payment available online at
Course Objectives:
- To gain familiarity with current standardized assessment measures for Hoarding Disorder
- To be able to assess hoarding comprehensively
- To be able to discuss a comprehensive model of hoarding and treatment principles
- To understand the ethical and legal implications of identifying and working with people with Hoarding Disorder
Week 1: What is it? Looking at the Phenomenology, Epidemiology, Etiology, and Diagnostic Criteria for Hoarding Disorder
- Hoarding from a historical perspective
- How has the classification of Hoarding Disorder changed and why?
- What is the difference between collecting, clutter and hoarding?
- Epidemiology of Hoarding Disorder
- Etiology of Hoarding Disorder
Week 2: A Model of Hoarding from a Multifactorial Perspective
- What is the current understanding of the causes of Hoarding Disorder?
- How does this understanding inform treatment?
- Introduction of a comprehensive evidenced-based biopsychosocial model of hoarding
Week 3: Assessment of Hoarding Disorder and Interpersonal Strategies
- What are commonly used standardized assessment tools for Hoarding Disorder?
- Considerations for assessment interviews: non-verbal cues, need for empathy and a non-judgmental attitude, and specific questions to ask
- Video simulation of a mock interview with a hoarder
Week 4: Treatment Efficacy and Principles; Ethical and Legal Implications
- Review of efficacy of evidence-based treatments
- Introduction to drug treatment options
- Principles of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Hoarding Disorder
- Discussion of ethical and legal issues when working with individuals with Hoarding Disorder
Eliza Burroughs, M.C., R.P. Eliza is a Registered Psychotherapist who has been working in the area of mood and anxiety disorders for over 20 years, with a particular interest in helping individuals with OCD, Hoarding, and related disorders. Eliza provides individual and group-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in private practice, having worked at the FW.Thompson Centre at Sunnybrook, CAMH, and Peterborough Regional Hospital. She has also been involved in community-based interventions for Hoarding in Toronto and Peterborough. Along with Dr. Peggy Richter, Eliza co-developed and previously facilitated this current workshop. She has also provided numerous workshops and presentations on Hoarding and other mental health topics.
Registration is now closed. Please note that we are unable to accommodate late registrations past March 7 for this workshop. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Registration and payment available online at